Prospectus and Documentary
At Daystar Leadership Academy we are
passionate about raising leaders
Our Mandate - Leadership
At Daystar Leadership Academy we are passionate about raising leaders because we believe that the solution to mankind's challenges lies in leadership.
Life is made up of many odd pieces, which we must put together to make a sense. Every day, humanity is faced with the challenge of solving life's riddles, but we find out that only a few are able to give the correct answers to these riddles; many caves in and quit along the way.
There is an adage which says “every form of adversity carries in it an equivalent seed of greatness”. The challenges we face in life are actually opportunities for us to aspire to a greater height, but aspiring to become better is a choice. The choices we make either make us or mar us. Every human being must make the decision to rise up to life's challenges. Determination outstrips physical and material constraints.
We believe that every individual, regardless of the circumstances of birth, is destined to lead. Therefore, we are dedicated to developing the leadership potential in individuals. With our faith-based teachings, you will be inspired to leave your present state and aspire for greatness. Your words, thoughts, vision, self-image, and attitude will be so dramatically transformed; you will be driven to reproduce yourself in others.
The Daystar Leadership Academy experience is all about changing lives for the better.