About Us
Daystar Leadership Academy

Our Vision
To raise exceptional leaders who will transform their families, organizations & communities globally.
Our Mission
To empower men and women to discover, develop, release and maximize their God-given leadership potentials, through Bible-based management and leadership principles
Our History
Daystar Leadership Academy is a non-profit oriented Leadership and Management Development School. It came into existence in January 2002. The vision is to raise exceptional leaders and managers who will transform our world globally.
The first Basic Certificated Course in Leadership took place in March 2002 with participants’ size of over three hundred and fifty. After that pioneering set, the school has conducted other equally successful editions.
In 2006, the Weekend Leadership Certificate Course (Basic and Advanced) for a busy person was introduced due to increasing demand from interested people who could not attend the week- day program because of office work. We also offer the Executive Leadership course (Basic and Advanced) for company CEOs, Senior Pastors and General Overseers of Ministries. The Basic Leadership Course for Teenagers is for students between the ages of 13-19 years old and it is a customized training. The courses are selected from the Basic Certificate Course and adapted with some other courses to fit the level of the students.
Our facilitators are well-trained and versatile in all human disciplines. Our team of Facilitators is led by the renowned Success Power Speaker, Sam Adeyemi. A recognized and acclaimed authority in teaching Success Principles
Since inception, over twenty thousand people had passed through the school. Our testimonial bears the story of changed lives.